
Effectiveness of Vitamin D in the Treatment of Mood Disorders: A Literature Review

Depression is a mood disorder that has a significant negative impact on the lives of many individuals. Since vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in the North American population, recent scientific research is investigating the connection between insufficient vitamin D and the pathogenesis of mood disorders, as well as the nutrient’s potential as a therapeutic agent. Several epidemiological studies have shown a relationship between low levels of vitamin D and the presence of depression. A small number of intervention trials have found a potential trend toward the reduction of depressive symptoms from vitamin D supplementation; however, many of the studies had limitations which restrict the conclusions that can be drawn. Further research in the field is warranted.

Title of abstract:
Effectiveness of Vitamin D in the Treatment of Mood Disorders: A Literature Review

Khamba B, Aucoin M, Tsirgielis D, Copeland A, Vermani M, Cameron C, Szpindel I, Laidlaw B, Epstein I, Katzman M



Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2011, 26(3): 127:135
